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Case Results

Houston Attorney Greg Tsioros

Sexual Assault
Parole Granted

Sexual Assault

6 year sentence TDCJ

September 2023 | Granted FI-9R release

Driving While Intoxicated 3rd Offense
Parole Granted

Driving While Intoxicated 3rd Offense

3 year sentence TDCJ

September 2023 | Granted FI-6 release

Possession of a Controlled Substance, Evading Arrest in a Motor Vehicle, Possession of Marijuana 4oz
Parole Granted

Possession of a Controlled Substance, Evading Arrest in a Motor Vehicle, Possession of Marijuana 4oz

8 years TDCJ, 8 years TDCJ, 2 years TDCJ

August 2023 | Granted FI-5 Release

Aggravated Assault, Bail Jumping
Parole Granted

Aggravated Assault, Bail Jumping

20 years TDCJ, 10 years TDCJ

August 2023 | Granted FI-5 Release

Aggravated Robbery, Evading Arrest, Bail Jumping
Parole Granted

Aggravated Robbery, Evading Arrest, Bail Jumping

16 years TDCJ, 16 years TDCJ, 10 years TDCJ

June 2023 | Granted FI-6 Parole

Sexual Assault
Parole Granted

Sexual Assault

5 year sentence

March 2023 | Granted FI-9R Release

Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver PG2 Tetrahydrocannibinol
Parole Granted

Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver PG2 Tetrahydrocannibinol

5 year sentence

March 2023 | Granted FI-2 Release

Aggravated Assault Causing Serious Bodily Injury
Parole Granted

Aggravated Assault Causing Serious Bodily Injury

5 year sentence

February 2023 | Granted FI-1 Release

Aggravated Assault Serious Bodily Injury
Parole Granted

Aggravated Assault Serious Bodily Injury

6 year sentence

February 2023 | Approved for FI-1 Release

Injury to a Child
Parole Granted

Injury to a Child

8 year sentence

February 2023 | Approved for Release to Mandatory Supervision

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